Business & Marketing Plans

Business Plans
Business Plans are a critical, comprehensive overview of your company, be it a focus on financial projections, company sales, or strategic planning. Often those going into business think they've thought of every contingency or aspect of going into business. Until they actually do a business plan and realize that indeed haven't. Not to mention, to attract investors or get a loan, you will need one. Our team possesses the education and background to provide you with the expertise necessary to deliver a critical, comprehensive deliverable which includes:
Highlights of a Professional Business Plan
Executive Summary
Business Description, Company, Vision
Intellectual Property
Target Market and Opportunity
Rationale, Market Value and Possible Growth
Industry and Market Analysis
Strategy Development
Risk Analysis
Financial Projections
Exit Strategy
High Level Marketing Plans
Marketing plans offer a high level approach to competing in the global marketplace, whether you are a brick and mortar business or web-based entity, with your goals and objectives in mind. While a business plan provides an overview of a company in its entirety, a marketing plan focuses specifically on all of the components needed to attract a desired target market to actually making the sale and of course, customer retention.
Let the experts at Sirius Tax Group provide you with a deliverable encompassing:
Executive Summary
Product/Service Offerings
Analysis of Company
Analysis of Competitors
SWOT and PEST Analyses
Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning
Marketing Strategy
Sales Forecasts and Financial Projections
Market Research and Feasibility
It's imperative that your particular industry or field be researched before your venture is launched. Domestic and global market conditions, emerging and/or disrupting technology, competition and many macro-environmental factors need to be considered. Sirius Tax Group can provide you with a comprehensive, analytical data and information in:
Market Research Plan
Feasibility Studies
Business Plan Review
Custom Deliverables